Criminal Case Mod Apk

What is Criminal Case APK?

Criminal Case is an extraordinary riddle tackling game where you are a wrongdoing examiner official and you have your own lab. You need to settle puzzles and various hints to tackle wrongdoings. There are so many crime location levels which you can address by tracking down pieces of information and clues. You can login with your Facebook account if you have any desire to play with your companions and get free clues from them

What is Criminal Case Mod APK?

Criminal Case Mod is a hacked variant of the game where you will get limitless assets free of charge of cost. All levels are as of now finished and you can get limitless clues and hints to tackle a wrongdoing in practically no time. You can appreciate limitless energy which implies that you can play this game for a really long time with no energy issue. Get limitless cash and purchase anything you desire in Criminal Case Mod Apk

Extraordinary Gameplay

Criminal Case highlights extraordinary ongoing interaction where you need to settle the wrongdoing secrets and track down the guilty party by tackling various riddles. You can begin with a basic level where you can find signs and different clues which can lead you to tackle the wrongdoing secret

Various Puzzles

It is an essential riddle tackling game since you are a wrongdoing examiner and you really want to settle wrongdoing secrets. Wrongdoing secrets depend on piece of information finding and puzzle settling. There are such countless levels accessible in the game with various riddles


There are some modifying choices in the game which you can use to alter your personality. Redo characters, for example, haircut, facial hair style, skin tone, dressing and some more. You can choose the person in view of your orientation Criminal Case Mod Apk

Play with Friends

If you have any desire to play with your companions, then, at that point, associate the game with your Facebook record and add your companions in the game. You can get hints and different awards from your companions which could assist you in tackling the wrongdoing with packaging. Add more companions in the game and assist each other in tackling the troublesome wrongdoing with packaging

Break down Clues

Without breaking down the pieces of information, you can’t settle on any choice and finding the culprit will be troublesome. Criminal Case is an unlimited game where you have your own lab to dissect pieces of information and different examinations during the wrongdoing case. You have present day instruments to break down the hints in your lab. You are the proprietor of your lab and you can play out numerous investigations on the dead body to track down the hints.

Allowed to Play

Criminal Case is a totally allowed to play game where you can play with your companions and get clues to settle the wrongdoing cases. It is totally protected to include your record this game since it doesn’t take your own data and doesn’t request strange consents. This game is openly accessible on our site and you can get it free of Criminal Case Mod Apk

Limitless Hints

Criminal Case Mod is the adjusted rendition which contains extra advantages for nothing. Get limitless clues in this mod rendition and settle all the wrongdoing cases inside a couple of moments. You can appreciate interactivity and get a clue whenever easily. Assuming you imagine that you are stuck some place for the situation and you want help, then, at that point, utilize limitless clues to effortlessly get past the case.

Limitless Energy

Energy is a piece of the game which restricts the interactivity yet with this mod form, you will get limitless energy. There will be no energy issue which implies that you can play the game for a really long time without trusting that energy will be reestablished in the future. This game doesn’t contain promotions and you can appreciate perfect and better interactivity easily. Get it liberated from our site and appreciate settling the wrongdoing cases.


Criminal Case is a famous game where you can tackle heaps of wrongdoing secrets in your lab. You need to track down signs and dissect them in your research facility to track down the responses of strange problems. You can modify your personality and make it seem as though you. There are pets in the game since pets can assist you with tracking down signs and clues in an exact way. Address many riddles and send the offender to imprison. On the off chance that you have any sort of audit or question about this game, utilize the remark area underneath and let us know your thought Criminal Case Mod Apk


Q. Could I at any point play Criminal Case without the web?
No, you can’t play this game without a web association since it is a web based game.

Q. Could I at any point redo a person in Criminal Case Mod Apk?
Indeed, you can without much of a stretch redo your personality and make it seem as though you. There are so many altering choices accessible in the game.

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